Zahroof Valves Inc.
Zahroof Valves, Inc. (ZVI) is an engineering-focused innovator delivering compressor valve solutions to operators of industrial reciprocating gas compressors.
ZVI developed, markets, and supports the groundbreaking StraightFlo reciprocating compressor valve, which delivers step-function improvement in reliability, efficiency, and serviceability as compared to traditional valves.

StraightFlo Compressor Valves
The StraightFlo family of compressor valves are drop-in replacements for OEM valves in reciprocating compressors serving at speeds from 200 to 3,600+ rpm, pressure differentials across the valve to 4,350 psi (300 bar), service temperatures from -40° to 500°F (-40° to 260°C), and with all gases encountered in energy and industrial applications.
All StraightFlo compressor valves incorporate the same patented Modular Reed Technology. StraightFlo SE (Standard Edition) valves have 4140 steel alloy housings and anti-corrosion coatings for reliable service with gases found in upstream and midstream oil and gas operations. StraightFlo SS (Severe Service) valves have stainless steel housings for high chemical resistance from corrosive gases encountered in refinery, petrochemical, chemical, and fertilizer applications.
ZVI is based in Houston, Texas, and serves energy, chemical, petrochemical, and industrial markets worldwide.