Miratech Catalyst Washing Facility
Loss of performance or an increase in pressure drop or temperature rise across the unit may indicate the need to clean the catalyst. The frequency and best procedure for cleaning will depend upon the nature and concentration of fouling or masking agents in the exhaust gas stream.
The most effective and least damaging method of cleaning catalyst is with chemical washing. Chemical washing has been shown to remove ash and chemical contaminants deposited by fouling and masking mechanisms. RJ Mann & Associates, Inc. offers a proprietary 4-step recirculation process using alkaline and acidic solutions. For catalysts that have lost efficiency due to exposure to chemical contaminants (poisons or masking agents), performance can often be restored using our chemical washing process.
The process is as follows:
1) Caustic alkaline solution recirculation removes inorganic masking, fouling and poisoning agents.
2) Deionized water rinse removes the caustic washing agents.
3) Glacial acidic solution recirculation removes organic resins, residues, and deposits.
4) Deionized water rinse removes the acidic washing agents.
Under normal operating and maintenance conditions, an element may require cleaning every 12 to 24 months. We've been trained and are being supported by Miratech in the washing and maintenance of catalyst elements. Most elements can be cleaned two or three times prior to precious metal reclamation. Our chemical cleaning facility is located in Gillette, Wyoming. Depending upon logistics, your elements can be shipped or may be picked up by our service vehicle. Turn around time for catalyst cleaning is a few days.

Additional testing, at Miratech's facility, may be required to find the best catalyst cleaning procedure or to make recommendations for restoring catalyst performance.
Catalyst Performance Testing
Used to measure the performance of catalyst that has been in service and catalyst that has been regenerated through chemical washing. Custom-designed catalyst testing systems measure destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC's), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). A typical test condition involves the lowest temperature and/or the highest flow rate for which the highest performance is required; multiple tests are often performed over the range of operating conditions. A one-page report is submitted to the client with the test results.
Catalyst Analytical Testing
Characterization of catalyst chemical and physical properties can identify likely root causes for catalyst performance degradation and lead to recommendations to avoid or minimize similar negative impacts, reverse them, and extend catalyst operating life. A typical test condition involves removing a small portion of the catalyst coating from the substrate. An independent analytical laboratory measures specific catalyst characteristics using a variety of sophisticated analytical instruments and techniques. Miratech then interprets the analytical results and provides a report to the client which includes recommendations for restoring catalyst performance.
Precious Metal Reclaim
Emission control catalysts are precious metal catalysts (except for SCR catalyst). Depending upon the manufacturer and the catalyst type, these catalysts could contain one or more of the platinum group metals (PGM): platinum, palladium, and rhodium. At the end of the catalyst's service life, these precious metals can be reclaimed and recovered. The service life is reached when the catalyst can no longer achieve the required performance, even after chemical washing and regeneration. The reclamation of precious metals from a catalyst element is a complex physical and chemical process performed by an international precious metal refining company. The yield of precious metals is always incomplete, and these companies charge processing fees and retain a pre-determined portion of the recovered metal. The market value of these precious metals is volatile. In general, sending your used catalyst element, regardless of manufacturer/brand, back to Miratech for precious metal reclaim will yield credit toward your new Miratech catalyst element.